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Qbiss One Dizajn

Istražite neograničene mogućnosti dizajna.

Neograničene mogućnosti dizajna

Qbiss One je jedan od najglatkijih i najravnijih metalnih fasadnih rešenja. 

Qbiss One se ističe svojim jedinstvenim i patentiranim zaobljenim uglovima, koje eliminišu potrebu za sečenjem, zavarivanjem, preklapanjem ploča koje su na konvencionalnim ventilisanim fasadnim sistemima vrlo često mesta na kojima se javljaju oštećenja i eventualni gubitak boje. 

Qbiss One je dostupan u ravnoj i zaobljenoj opciji za još širu primenu sistema kao i sa udubljenim i ravnim spojevima ili u kombinaciji navedene dve opcije. Qbiss One element može se montirati na različite načine: vertikalna, horizontalna i asimetručna montaža ili montaža na smicanje (izgled cigle). Kombinacije pružaju najšire mogućnosti projektovanja i omogućavaju dizajniranje jedinstvenih rešenja. 

Jedinstvena glatkoća, duži elementi

Čista i glatka površina fasade izvodljiva je primenom Qbiss One sistema, koji se ističe svojom izrazitom glatkoćom u bilo kojoj veličini elemenata.

Uz dužine od 530 mm do 6,500 mm Qbiss One obezbeđuje preko 100% duže elemente nego konvencionalni ventilisani fasadni sistemi koji su obično standardnih dužina, do 3 metra.

Qbiss One flattest wall in its class

Opcije spojeva

 Qbiss One sistem dozvoljava kombinovanje različitih uvučenih i ravnih spojeva elemenata.

Opcija spajanja B-B
Opcija spajanja F-BF
Opcija spajanja F-B
Opcija spajanja B-BF
Opcija spajanja BF-B
Opcija spajanja BF-BF





ArtMe je najnovija, jedinstvena fasadna površinska obrada koja dozvoljava neograničene oblike, šare, vizuelne efekte koji mogu da se realizuju na fasadi za upečatljive, jedinstvene i kreativne rezultate. 

Od dizajna i slika do natpisa, logo-a, brenda i unapred pripremljenih/gotovih rešenja, ArtMe sve to čini mogućim bez potrebe za lepkom ili dodatnim elementima. 

ArtMe koristi visoko kontrolisanu tehnologiju 3D iscrtavanja oblika, koja se prvi put koristi na gotovim fasadnim elementima koji su prethodno premazani antikorozivnom zaštitom. Prepoznajući važnost performansi proizvoda, originalni integritet i karakteristike elemenata fasade sačuvani su bez kompromisa.

Tehnologija koja se nalazi iza preoblikovane površine fasade omogućava da napravite bilo koji izbor, iako postoji mogućnost odabira unapred dizajniranih oblika.

Opcije montaže


Vertical Brick structured installation enables individual façade elements to be connected vertically. Variety can be achieved by installing modular façade elements with a shift in a horizontal direction.


This installation presents the classic and most commonly used orientation type. The horizontal modular façade system is composed of individual façade elements, joined in the horizontal direction (longitudinal) with a tongue & groove stack system, and fixed to the supporting structure in a vertical direction (transversal). Longitudinal joint sealing is accomplished using gaskets, integrated in both longitudinal joints; transversal joints (vertical joints) are sealed with a specially profiled gasket.


So-called "brick-built installation" is the latest innovation to hit the façade element market. This solution not only enables a symmetrical shift (the vertical joint in the middle of the upper or lower façade element is offset) but also means that vertical joints can be located anywhere on the longitudinal axis of the neighbouring horizontal façade elements.


This innovative installation offers another modern facade option to architects who may be seeking to add further individuality to their projects. With asymmetrical structured installation, the horizontal axis is completely aligned along the whole width of the building, whilst the verticals are aligned according to a random installation. This way, the building envelope creates a modern dynamism, highlighting the form of the building and other architectural features.


Classical vertical modular façade system is composed of individual façade elements, joined in a vertical direction (transversal) with a tongue and groove system, and fixed to the supporting structure in a horizontal direction (longitudinal). Longitudinal joint sealing is accomplished using gaskets, integrated in both longitudinal joints, with additional sealant in the groove of the EPDM corner element; transversal joints (horizontal joints) of the element are sealed with a specially profiled gasket.


Vertical Brick structured installation enables individual façade elements to be connected vertically. Variety can be achieved by installing modular façade elements with a shift in a horizontal direction.


This installation presents the classic and most commonly used orientation type. The horizontal modular façade system is composed of individual elements, joined in the horizontal direction (longitudinal) with a tongue & groove stack system, and fixed to the supporting structure in a vertical direction (transversal). Longitudinal joint sealing is accomplished using gaskets, integrated in both longitudinal joints; transversal joints (vertical joints) are sealed with a specially profiled gasket.

Opcije odabira boja

Qbiss One garantuje vrhunsku zaštitu od korozije od čak 30 godina.

Range of Colours

Special metallic
Light Silver
Dark Silver
Light graphite
Solid colours
Gray White
Light grey
Basalt grey
Sapphire Blue
Traffic red

Colorcoat Prisma® Elements*
Sirius Sparkle
Orion Sparkle
Zeus Sparkle
Seren White
Seren Silver
Seren Gold
Seren Midas
Seren Copper
Seren Titan
Seren Black
Anthracite Solet

* Colorcoat Prisma and Seren are trademarks of Tata Steel UK Limited

Bespoke solutions and materials**
Quadro Lucido
Dots Lucido
2WL Lucido
5WL Lucido
Pelle Lucido

** Availability and application shall be discussed with Trimo technical department.


Ostale mogućnosti:

  • Metalik
  • Nerđajući čelik
  • Karbon, izgled drveta

Opcije odabira boja su:

  • jedna boja za ceo objekat  
  • različite boje elemenata 
  • različite boje senke 

*Ostale boje su dostupne na zahtev.

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