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Health & Well-being

Health & Well-being

Enjoy in a pleasant, healthy and safe environment using Trimo´s architectural facade and roofing solutions.

Pleasant and safe Living and working environment

A pleasant living and working environment can be achieved with the appropriate temperature in the interior space, fresh air without harmful particles, appropriate natural daylight in an internal space, appropriate sound protection and fire resistance.

Natural daylight

For the optimal living and working environment the amount of natural daylight is of crucial importance.  

Qbiss One modular facade system includes elegant and high-quality integrated window modules and other elements. The window modules are made from aluminium profiles with an integral thermal break that minimises cold bridges and ensures the highest levels of thermal performance.

Thermal comfort

Thermal comfort is achieved with appropriate air temperature in the interior space as well as on the peripheral surfaces, the speed of movement of the air and amount of humidity in the interior space. Trimo’s building envelopes ensure high thermal insulation (U value), which keep the temperature of the outer walls on the interior side relatively high, very close to the interior air temperature.

At those surfaces the air is not cooled as fast as it does in less insulated buildings, where the air on the cold wall descends towards the floor and moves further towards the interior surface, before warming up again and re-circulates under the ceiling towards the outer wall. The greater the temperature difference between the interior surface of the exterior wall and the air in the interior space is, the faster the air moves. Occupants feel this effect as draught. This is accompanied by radiation of the cold wall, which is why the internal temperature of the space has to be further increased to achieve the proper thermal comfort.

In less insulated buildings, due to faster air movements, it is necessary to set higher interior temperatures, from 23 to 24°C to feel comfortable. In good insulated buildings with slow air movements comfort is achieved at a lower temperature from 20 to 21 °C.

With Trimo building envelopes, facades and roofing solutions the air moves very slowly, which is why it delivers enhanced living comfort. Due to superior airtightness between Trimo’s building elements there is no air crossing through the building envelope that could cause faster air movement and draught.



Sound protection

Sound protection has an important influence for health and well-being of occupants. It is necessity in residential, commercial, public buildings and other building types for special usage. 

Ecological integrity

Trimo’s facade, wall and roofing solutions Trimoterm and Qbiss One consist of mineral raw materials, mainly steel sheets, and thermal insulation from mineral wool. During the production of Trimo’s products, non-hazardous materials are used. They are free of POPs (Persistent Organic Pollution), as VOCs (volatile organic compounds) meet legal requirements in the field of ensuring human health.

Trimo ensures that during production overall levels emissions of pollutants into the air and exposure to chemical agents at workplace are significantly below legislated limits.

Trimo products are designed and manufactured in such a way that they are not a threat to hygiene or health or safety of workers, occupants, or neighbors during their life cycle in particular as a result of no emission of dangerous radiation, no release of dangerous substances into drinking water, groundwater, surface water or soil. They are also designed with the mission of minimizing negative impacts on the environment and the climate throughout their construction, use and demolition.

Trimo is spreading the culture of a responsible attitude towards climate change together with its partners in the supply chain. It is doing this by implementing careful management of natural resources, production energy, and deploying measures for reducing the indirect impact on the level of emissions. Trimo´s responsibility is also displayed in its defined CO2 footprint for the main Trimoterm and Qbiss products across the complete purchase chain.

Trimo’s building elements are highly recyclable at the end of their life. Recyclability rates:

  • Trimoterm 99%
  • Qbiss One 99%

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Get in contact

Trimo d.o.o.
Prijateljeva cesta 12
8210 Trebnje

T: +386 (0)7 34 60 200
F: +386 (0)7 34 60 432
E: trimo@trimo-group.com

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