Všeobecné obchodní podmínky
Všeobecné obchodní podmínky upravují závazný vztah mezi společností Trimo a subjektem kupujícím
její produkty a služby. Tyto obchodní podmínky platí pro všechny vztahy mezi prodávajícím a kupujícím,
pokud se prodávající a kupující v jednotlivých případech nedohodnou jinak.
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. EN No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. UK No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. SI No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. DE No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. IT No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. RU No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. HU No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. CZ No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. HR No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. SR No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. FR No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. PL No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo d.o.o. NL No. 5/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo Inženjering d.o.o. EN No. 6/2022
General sales conditions of Trimo Inženjering d.o.o. SR No. 6/2022
General conditions of purchase
The General conditions of purchase regulate the obligatory relationships between the company,
Trimo and suppliers of Trimo products and services. These conditions of purchase apply to all
relationships between supplier and Trimo, unless a supplier and Trimo agree differently in individual cases.
English, Slovene and German versions of the General conditions of purchase are published separately.
General conditions of purchase EN